Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Top 5 Natural Healing Remedies to Help Overcome - Beat Anxiety and Depression

The Top 5 Natural Healing Remedies to Help Overcome - Beat Anxiety and Depression

There are a number of natural healing remedies that can assist to help you overcome and beat anxiety and depression. Some of these are herbs and potions such as Bach's Rescue Remedy, which is a homeopathic remedy which is somewhat effective in reducing anxiety and depression. Yet these herbs and potions do nothing to naturally heal and remedy the "cause" of the anxiety and depression.

100% pure Lavender Oil is another excellent and often underrated natural healing remedy that can significantly reduce the effects of anxiety and depression. Using this oil in a massage or rubbing it on your palms and then using your hands to wipe over your body, your temples and your aura is very beneficial along your path to overcome and beat anxiety and depression. You should also strongly consider burning a pure high quality lavender oil candle daily and playing spiritual relaxing music. Lavender oil has been used as an effective natural anti-depressant in hospitals and there are many studies you can view on the Internet that have demonstrated a significant reduction in anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Still, as effective as Lavender Oil is in healing the aura of negative energy and dark spirits that aggravate depression and anxiety, like other herbs and potions, the original cause of anxiety and depression still remains. Below are the top 5 natural healing remedies to overcome / beat anxiety and depression - that will help uncover and heal the original cause of anxiety and depression.

Natural Healing Remedy #1 - EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Depression is always unresolved grief. EFT is highly effective in permanently removing the grief that causes depression. When the grief goes, so too does the depression. Patients with chronic depression who have been on strong anti-depressants for many years have been able to come off their drugs and remain free of depression after only a few EFT sessions. And the results are just as effective in overcoming anxiety. Anxiety is always unresolved fear. EFT is highly effective in permanently removing the fears that cause anxiety.

Natural Healing Remedy #2
- Hypnotherapy Regression. During a hypnotherapy regression session, patients with anxiety and depression are able to successfully reconnect to their source of emotional pain that is causing their anxiety and depression. Hypnotherapy regression and EFT are both equally successful when used as natural healing remedies to help overcome / beat depression and anxiety.

Natural Healing Remedy #3 - Writing Your Feelings. This is a great technique you can do on your own and it is very effective in releasing negative feelings from within your soul. Depression is always "unexpressed" grief and anxiety is always "unexpressed" fear. When you take the time to "express" your grief and your fears in a journal you can initiate a very successful healing on your own.

Natural Healing Remedy #4 - Reconnecting to Your Source of Love, Your Higher God Self. This will require you to be open minded to the spiritual side of life. Depression (grief) and anxiety (fear) can only exist within your soul when you have cut off your [perceived] spiritual connection to your Higher God Self. You are always connected to your Higher Self via an invisible silver cord that is your Source of Love, yet when you stop focusing on your Higher God Self and only focus on your "Human Self" - you become a Being of Need instead of a Being of Love and you soon develop anxiety and depression because you feel "cut off" from your Source of Love. When you reconnect to your Source of Love, anxiety and depression will very soon disappear.

Natural Healing Remedy #5
- Meditation. What most people do not realize, even those who meditate, is that your human consciousness and the consciousness of your Higher God Self "merges" during a meditation and YOU feel the peace, the love, the inner calmness and "oneness" of your Higher God Self. This is especially so when you repeat the words over in your mind "I AM My Higher Self". Try it for 5-10 minutes and notice the peace and calmness that envelopes your soul as you reconnect to your Source of Love through meditation. All anxiety is: a "fear" you are disconnected from God and are all alone. All depression is: a "belief" you are disconnected from God and are all alone. When you reconnect to your Source of Love through daily meditation, you re-establish the vital flow of love into your soul and this becomes the natural healing remedy that removes all fear, anxiety, grief and depression. This is because you are now focusing on your "Real Self" and not your "human self."

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